Zoltraak (Mandolin Sheet Music)
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Zoltraak – Evan Call | Frieren EP9 Fern v.s. Lügner BGM OST Mandolin Sheet Music
這是動畫「葬送的芙莉蓮」的葬送的芙莉蓮第 9 話 BGM–「殺死魔族的魔法 / 費倫 v.s. 琉古納戰鬥曲」的曼陀林主旋律練習樂譜
This is the mandolin practice sheet music for the Frieren EP9 Fern v.s. Lügner BGM OST "Zoltraak" from the anime "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End".
If you can play the violin, you may also consider taking a look as the pitch range is the same! If you need the instructions for when to use the vibrato technique, contact me please!
Thank you for your support!
これは、アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』第9話 フェルン vs リュグナー戦闘 BGM『ゾルトラーク』のマンドリン練習用楽譜です。
Sheet Music for Zoltraak
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